Stiftelsen Oscar och Lili Lamms Minne
Du är här: Hem // 2013 
TitelThe effect of mixtures of pesticides (”cocktail effects”) on life history and biotic interactions in
UniversitetUppsala Universitet
InstitutionEkologi och Genetik
HuvudsökandeFrank Johansson
Beviljat belopp 93 960
The aim is to estimate how single and mixtures (“cocktail effect”) of pesticides affect behaviour, growth, development, mating success and fecundity in an aquatic insect. Pesticides that occur most frequently in levels above the Swedish guidelines will be used. I apply for covering the costs of analyses of the pesticide concentrations used in the experiment we are running. I have a PhD-student for the current project and he (Warren Kunce) started in June 2012. The project is funded by Oscar and Lilly Lamms minne, and covers Warren´s salary. The project is running well. Currently we have one publication in preparation and this work has been presented during the meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe) in Glasgow, 13-19 May. Results from the first years experiments showed that mixtures of pesticide had greater negative effect on survival of aquatic insects compared to single exposures. These results also showed that development time of the insects was affected by the pesticides used, but no strong effect of mixtures was found. Now we would like to run the rest of the planned experiments in Warrens PhD plan. These experiments are described in detail in the attached research plan, and I apply for covering the costs of analyses of pesticide concentration used in the experiments.